What is a kangaroo court?
Dnyaneshwari asked me the meaning of 'kangaroo court' mentioned in the Times of India's main lead headlined '5 Get death for killing on khap diktat'
I had a vague idea and I could make a guess from the context.
Yet, I checked dictionary.com. Here is the meaning:
1. a self-appointed or mob-operated tribunal that disregards or parodies existing principles of law or human rights, esp. one in a frontier area or among criminals in prison.
2.any crudely or irregularly operated court, esp. one so controlled as to render a fair trial impossible.
Diktat, used in the headline, means 1. a harsh, punitive settlement or decree imposed unilaterally on a defeated nation, political party, etc.
2. any decree or authoritative statement: The Board of Education issued a diktat that all employees must report an hour earlier.
I had a vague idea and I could make a guess from the context.
Yet, I checked dictionary.com. Here is the meaning:
1. a self-appointed or mob-operated tribunal that disregards or parodies existing principles of law or human rights, esp. one in a frontier area or among criminals in prison.
2.any crudely or irregularly operated court, esp. one so controlled as to render a fair trial impossible.
Diktat, used in the headline, means 1. a harsh, punitive settlement or decree imposed unilaterally on a defeated nation, political party, etc.
2. any decree or authoritative statement: The Board of Education issued a diktat that all employees must report an hour earlier.
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